Resources for

Schools & Families

Animated Skills Videos

CHADD Ask the Expert webinar led by Dr. Dvorsky

on supporting homework, organization, and time management skills at home and in schools

Read more here and slides are available to download here.

Handouts & Infographics from ATOM

Additional Resources & Websites:

Read some of the latest research from the ADHD & Learning Differences Program & the ATOM Program, led by Melissa Dvorsky, Ph.D.:

TOOLS Videos & Handouts for Teens

Supporting Organization, Time Management & Planning Skills, Emotion Regulation and Other Strategies

ADHD & Learning Differences Program at Children’s National

Homework, Organization, & Planning Skills (HOPS) Intervention

Collaborative Life Skills (CLS) Program

Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD)

Effective Child Therapy (Society of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology)

Using a Daily Report Card System at Home

DC AAP School Health Toolkit

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